Different Locally Available Properties: Features, Differences, and more!

Yes, it is possible to narrow down all property under a single term like real estate, which serves a broad purpose. But, properties are differentiated based on their style, use, and features. Here we’ll outline the most common types of locally available properties you will find in the Fraser Valley and the surrounding areas.

Condominium + Apartments

Better known as a condo, it is a private residence located in a residential building, complex, or community. The condo is privately owned by an individual who either lives there or has a say in who can live or rent the unit. Also, a condo can have different layouts and features depending on its owner.


Townhouses are usually narrow, multilevel houses attached at least on one side to other townhouses. These can be privately owned or rented, usually have shared common areas like a pool, park or rec center, and usually come with upkeep done by a management company.

Single House

A single house is a single, detached house unit with a lot of freedom regarding construction, style, and the number of floors. The single house usually has a more considerable lot, with a larger front and backyard area and its own amenities that the owner adds.


A cottage is a cozy house, often in a rural or semi-rural location, with a smaller square foot area and larger front and backyards. It often has a great many amenities and sophisticated furnishings. It is usually privately owned and used as a summer/winter/holiday residence or a rental property.


Cabins are usually made from logs and have a rougher, more rustic look and feel. A cabin has fewer amenities than a cottage, is in the woods (primarily), and few have modern conveniences like electricity or running water. A cabin is usually privately owned by people who like to hunt or enjoy living as close to the wild as possible.

Which to Select?

Now you know the basic property types in and around the Fraser Valley area, and you are free to select the one you like that fits your lifestyle. Depending on your needs and habits, you can find what you are after, and the Guy Biggar team is the group to find the perfect property for you.